Opinions on Music, Culture and the goings on at our music company

Opinions on Music, Culture and the goings on at our music company, Blister Records.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Greg Gutfeld speaks

Greg is the host of a show called Redeye on FNC and he's pretty funny, today he celebrates a birthday by proving once again "SHUT UP AND SING!"


So Ringo Starr turned 170 yesterday, and marked it by babbling.

He said we should all initiate our afternoons with a global “peace and love” moment. He says it would be fab for folks from all over the world (which I presume includes gentle souls hiding in the mountains of Afghanistan), to say such things at noon everyday – by any form of communication you have at hand.

Of course, there’s nothing wrong with this. It’s a nice sentiment from a semi-attractive grandmother.

Oh, I kid. Of course there’s something wrong with this. There’s everything wrong with this.

For that proclamation represents the reason why people die in this world.

They die because people listen to aging hippes like Ringo Starr. The idea that all the evil in the world will dissolve if we all chant peace and love is what enables evil in the world to flourish.

Threat of war, however, makes peace possible – not silly proclamations of hugs and kisses.

Of course, I’m probably picking on Ringo a bit too much here. But really, jackasses who spout peace, can only spout peace, if the more sensible folks around him are willing to wage war.

And the fact is, if these massive celebrities actually applied the notion of “peace and love” to their own personal lives, they’d be about as successful as Pete Best.

So my suggestion is to replace Ringo’s “peace and love” mantra with something like “God bless our troops,” or “The Beatles were a poor man’s Badfinger.” (true, that!)

Now some people might accuse me of harping on Ringo, because he didn’t return our calls when asked to do Red Eye. Of course, I’m not that sort of fellow. In fact, I wish Starr all the peace and love in the world – which will get him next to nothing in midtown at three a.m when I’m chasing him home with a broken champagne bottle and a copy of Caveman.

And if you disagree with me, you’re a racist homophobe who ripped off the Knack.

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