Opinions on Music, Culture and the goings on at our music company

Opinions on Music, Culture and the goings on at our music company, Blister Records.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

A good laugh

James Lileks, one of the funniest writers of my lifetime,

I got to touch the grass, though. And I was able to explore the Bowels of the new stadium. Backstage is always exciting the first time, no matter where it is. You feel the thrill of seeing something most won’t, even if it’s just endless concrete corridors with huge pipes overhead – a few of which surely carry the ceaseless torrent of urine from the bathrooms. Think of it: a giant loading dock is built to bring in the beer; dozens of beer-dispensing points are built throughout the complex; wide long troughs are stationed at convenient intervals to receive the end product of the beer, and complex systems of pipes are installed to carry away the end product of the beer. It all depends on a crowd of thousands who will consume and strain the beer. The entire stadium is a machine built around the human kidney.


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