Marines use shovels to attempt to dig out a Mine Resistant, Ambush Protected vehicle in the rain Dec. 19 after it sunk into the soft mud flats near Observation Post "ManBearPig." (Photo by Sgt. Brian Tuthill)
Logorama from Marc Altshuler - Human Music on Vimeo.
If someone were to ask you who the last person anyone should ever dare to mug is, what name would be your answer? This lister is betting on 80% or better of respondents answering, “Chuck Norris.”
Amazingly, astoundingly, two idiots managed to try just that. It happened in 1994. Norris mentions this whole thing in his autobiography, “Against All Odds.” And, by his testimony, this is what happened. Honest to God, it really happened.
In 1994, right at the beginning of his run as Walker, Texas Ranger, Norris was, and still is, living in Dallas, Texas, where the show was filmed. One day he was walking down the street by himself, no entourage, no fans following him, no bodyguards, not even his wife. He turned a commercial block in the downtown skyscraper area and saw two men a little bigger than he coming straight for him from the other end of the block.
They were staring right at him, and he figured they wanted autographs, which he enjoys signing. So he walked up to them and stopped with a smile, whereupon they stood in front of him, whipped out a couple of large pocketknives, and one of them demanded, “Give me your wallet, Chuck! Give it here!”
Norris actually opened his mouth wide and then asked, “Are you insane!?”
“No! We know who you are! And we know you got a lot of money! Now give it up, or you’re dead!”
Now before we go further, let us just go over a few of the particulars. All jokes aside, Chuck Norris truly does have the following black belts: 1st degree in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, 8th Degree Grandmaster in Tae Kwon Do, 9th degree in Jeet Kune Do under Bruce Lee and Lee’s best student, Dan Inosanto, 10th degree in Shito Ryu Karate, 10th degree in Tang Soo Do, 11th degree in Chun Kuk Do.
Granted, the last art is his own concoction, a hybrid of all the best moves he has learned over the years, all blended for both self-defense and competition, and you are only allowed a 10th degree or better in anything when you found your own dojo. But suffice to say, the muggers didn’t even use guns. From a hundred feet away. They used knives within arm’s reach. What happened next was rather anti-climactic.
The police arrived about 4 minutes later, 3 officers in two cars, and were greeted by the scene of two men with SEVERELY broken arms (the bones had gone through the skin) sitting on the curb, two bloody knives in the gutter, and Chuck Norris, the Almighty Himself, leaning against the wall, wearing his beard, jeans, cowboy boots and a cowboy hat….he shrugged at them. The police started laughing so hard that they bent over, holding their sides, unable to put the handcuffs on the muggers. One of them managed to ask, “Did you not know who he was?!”
One of them said, “Yeah, we knew who he was! We figured all that crap on TV was fake!”
This comes from listverse.com always with the lists I tells ya!
Greg is the host of a show called Redeye on FNC and he's pretty funny, today he celebrates a birthday by proving once again "SHUT UP AND SING!"
So Ringo Starr turned 170 yesterday, and marked it by babbling.
He said we should all initiate our afternoons with a global “peace and love” moment. He says it would be fab for folks from all over the world (which I presume includes gentle souls hiding in the mountains of Afghanistan), to say such things at noon everyday – by any form of communication you have at hand.
Of course, there’s nothing wrong with this. It’s a nice sentiment from a semi-attractive grandmother.
Oh, I kid. Of course there’s something wrong with this. There’s everything wrong with this.
For that proclamation represents the reason why people die in this world.
They die because people listen to aging hippes like Ringo Starr. The idea that all the evil in the world will dissolve if we all chant peace and love is what enables evil in the world to flourish.
Threat of war, however, makes peace possible – not silly proclamations of hugs and kisses.
Of course, I’m probably picking on Ringo a bit too much here. But really, jackasses who spout peace, can only spout peace, if the more sensible folks around him are willing to wage war.
And the fact is, if these massive celebrities actually applied the notion of “peace and love” to their own personal lives, they’d be about as successful as Pete Best.
So my suggestion is to replace Ringo’s “peace and love” mantra with something like “God bless our troops,” or “The Beatles were a poor man’s Badfinger.” (true, that!)
Now some people might accuse me of harping on Ringo, because he didn’t return our calls when asked to do Red Eye. Of course, I’m not that sort of fellow. In fact, I wish Starr all the peace and love in the world – which will get him next to nothing in midtown at three a.m when I’m chasing him home with a broken champagne bottle and a copy of Caveman.
And if you disagree with me, you’re a racist homophobe who ripped off the Knack.
Man, what a load! Sometimes this magazine is very difficult to take seriously.
Suppose that AGW is real. That doesn't tell us enough to do anything useful about it. We must have a reliable and non-controversial metric to evaluate it quantitatively. This would allow us to determine (1) if our "solutions" (whatever they might be) are doing the job, and (2) when we can stop crippling ourselves and our industrial economy in our efforts to stop whatever it is that's causing the change in the metric. Unfortunately the items so often quoted by Warmists are not reliable metrics. (Think tree-ring data - that obviously is no good.) In theory there is a good one but it's not terribly sensitive and there's probably a serious phase delay, but it's a good worldwide integrator and so much better than spot measurements at weather stations. I refer to sea level. Now like pretty much all other old MIT men world-wide, I take a lot of data just for the hell of it. One such data set I have been accumulating since the 1960s is sea level. My measurements show no noteworthy change. NONE. My tentative scientific conclusion is that there is no net warming, caused by human activity or any other factor. None. Reports to the contrary I must tentatively classify as hysteria or propaganda.
I might conjecture that the Warmists are not really interested in a reproducible metric. Lacking a metric, they can always claim that whatever we're doing to solve the problem isn't enough - we need to do more of it. How convenient - they can push us to destroy the modern economy and industrial civilization, with no good place to stop along the way. This should eventually satisfy the Greens and other Luddities. But it won't do the Earth much good, since we'll all be huddled around campfires by then. Campfires fueled by wood. Talk about a carbon footprint!
As scientific types know, you don't have to take anyone's word for this stuff. Get your own data. All sorts of important measurements can be done with simple equipment. Read Millikan's "The Electron" for some inspiration about measuring fundamental constants with simple stuff you probably have lying around your kitchen. Or, if that's too high-tech, look up early measurements of the gravitational constant. Shoot, this stuff is easy! (Some of it is, anyway.) If you are just picking between "authorities," though, you aren't doing science. That's fandom, or religion, but not science. This pitiful article is a case in point.
I guess that's why they call it "popular" science, hey if it's popular it must be science Right?
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