Like your I-pod? I'm sure you do, lot's music, small size, tons of storage, what's not to like?
Earbuds! It seems to me in the last twenty years or so, the once ubiquitous stereo system has fallen by the wayside, to be replaced with PC speakers and earbuds. Now, I use headphones a lot, great for old Pink Floyd, Rush and bands that actually used panning in their music, etc. but while using these one must remember that sound, especially music needs Room. By that I mean whenever possible use your speakers to hear your music, and no Louder isn't always better, rather as Stu said previously, adjust volume based on the Type of music your listening to, and don't sit so darned close to your sound source.
Tone Controls
Tone controls are nothing more than volume knobs that adjust certain Frequencies, Highs, Lows, Mids and such, Too much of any volume will introduce Distortions which will make your tunes SUCK! so go easy on them there knobs and don't turn them to 11. Often you will get a weird sound you can't quite get rid of, try this, cut your midrange (or 1.6k for you multiband EQ users) back to about 4, which is actually a CUT in volume and a lot of the sound you hear will appear to smooth out, making your experience more enjoyable.
If you have the cash, invest in a decent set of headphones for your I-pod you won't be disappointed,
I WAS, in fact, promoting using more volume....based on my assumtion that many people fall into the same bad habit as myself in which they tend to use music as "background" noise. Not good for the music and not good for your mental focus.