Opinions on Music, Culture and the goings on at our music company

Opinions on Music, Culture and the goings on at our music company, Blister Records.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

What the Hell is Wrong with the Upland PD?

Many of us here at Blister know 12 year old Adam W. He is one of the nicest kids you'll ever meet. Definitely handed a hard lot in life, he deals with it with quiet grace and always tries to do good.

So....he broke his wrist recently (btw took 5 days to get the specialist necessary to set it properly...wonder if rich kids wait that long?) anyway, his wrist is recovering fine. His arm in a cast.

Next....he likes to skateboard...but he can't with his broken wrist...so he's sitting, watching the kids at the Upland skate park (near the hospital), when 3 (count 'em 3) cops come upon the scene. They decide it's best to give Adam a ticket. Not even sure for what, as far as Adam and his mother can tell, there are no posted rules against watching the skaters. Obviously there was nothing more important for these pricks to do. Our tax dollars at work. Adam was in tears when he got home.

What the hell is wrong with you, Upland PD? Three officers and not one of them is clear on "Right from Wrong". These people carry guns?

There will be angry emails sent, you revenue grabbing jerks!!

Serve and Protect!

1 comment:

  1. Ya know, I hope Adam doesn't now feel the need to steer clear of the law. There's too many people that would help him with that. I think he's smarter than that. But will the next innocent kid be?
