Opinions on Music, Culture and the goings on at our music company

Opinions on Music, Culture and the goings on at our music company, Blister Records.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Christopher Hitchens is an Aetheist,

And I'm a Christian, still, he is a fantastic writer,lecturer and such, I read everything he writes and you should too. That being said, here's an article he wrote on his Cancer and what it is doing to him, Read it all,

1 comment:

  1. Staring death in the face, the aetheists admits fear but does not succumb to it and still puts his words out there because they might help someone, someday. Seems like a good man who is good because it's smart to be good and feels good to be good, and is good to good. Not because he is threatened into being good. If he does bad he sufferes from his own concience and grows. He does not gain complete absolution for any action but uttering a few sounds.
