Marriage isn't just between a Man and a Women, it is a commitment to bond for life,as one, as it were, and also a means of reproduction.
Not just Little "me's" running about but for the entire species, humans instinctually seek out mates,to make Babies! After all, we are still just stupid mammals eh?
Meanwhile in Europe, half of the countries there are below replacement rates for their people, the Italians, at 1.4 kids per marriage, cannot replace themselves, at all, They Are Done.Japan too, 1.3?
In the U.S. we are at about 2.4, that's good enough(1.9 being minimum)For the Anglo people to survive.
The saddest and to me the most frightening part is that Europe won't be Depopulated, so much as infiltrated by hordes of Swarthymen bent on destruction,rapine and mayhem,all in the name of their god.
gay=death, Women=chattel slaves, sad, sad, religion, btw average kid rate, 6.2 in Gaza which is supposed to be a refugee camp, hmmm...
so don't despair, FUCK!!!!
So that's why I'm against gay marriage, sorry boys(and gals)but you'll just have too find another word, as we Heteros kinda own this one M'kay?
Sounds a little political :o) ...maybe you need a Facebook page.