Opinions on Music, Culture and the goings on at our music company

Opinions on Music, Culture and the goings on at our music company, Blister Records.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Drum Bundle

Going into the drum bundle for the last time. WooHoo!

The song is ready. After I increased the overall volume to make sure the MP3s have some juice, there was one solitary Snare beat that red-lined the meter (last snare before "broke now"). Nothing else touches the red.

So I'm going back to the drum bundle for the last tiny adjustment.

Then it's mix-down!

It's possible Yrgal may make some small adjustments to some BG vocal levels after the release...but's it's the INFORMATION AGE, we can do that!

1 comment:

  1. Turns out it was a rogue bass-drum note playing with the loud snare that caused the red-line....DONE...finalizing and publishing in a few...
