Opinions on Music, Culture and the goings on at our music company

Opinions on Music, Culture and the goings on at our music company, Blister Records.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

When Comments are bigger than posts

This is in regards to the "recently" discovered UFO by the GOV

The original post is here,but the comments are,shall we say out of this world?

Maybe the spaceship that was supposedly recovered in Roswell was just a really crappy model for a spaceship. It crashed, after all. Let's say that the government then builds a model of that crappy spaceship that can successfully travel to Zeta Reticuli, or wherever. It would be akin to driving a cheap Chinese copy of a Lada or Ford Pinto up to a posh resort where the valet routinely guides Lambourghinis, Aston-Martins, and Bentleys to the designated access areas. Humans would be the laughingstock of the interstellar community, regarded as knuckle-dragging, mouth-breathing rednecks who should be escorted back to the boondocks from whence they came. And they'll probably use a few dozen major cities for target-practice as a message for humanity to remain in our little backwater solar system and to never darken their door again.

You poor, sad, deluded fool. Don't you know that's what THEY want you to think? The Double Secret Real Government, I mean. Of course, you may have heard of them by some other name, such as The New World Order, the Knights Templar, the Illuminati, the Masons, the Bilerburgers, the Tripartite Commission, the Bohemian Grove Guests or The Red-Headed League. Surely you know that they're running things for the benefit of our true masters, the mega-corporate overlords, don't you? Who themselves are actually reptilian aliens who live on earth in an underground world, and merely use us weakling humans as a slave work force, genetic donors and/or food source? Don't you know these things? Just what have you been doing with your time online, anyway?

But perhaps you do know the worst thing: that the reality of every, single group and theory referenced above (well, except for that band which was born in the imagination of Sir A. Conan Doyle) has been advanced in all seriousness as The Truth; and each has thousands if not hundreds of thousands of adherents who believe in their existence and power with unshakable tenacity.

Jeff H
It appears the best the "aliens" could manufacture was a fake president. And assuming the "crash" took place at Roswell in 1947, it took them 61 years to do it.

I had to stop,too much fun,
need to find link,sorry Y

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